2007年3月9日 星期五

About Me

My name is JIN- YING- HSIAO,I am nineteen years old. There are five members in my family-father, mother , elder sister, younger brother and me . My father’s occupation is electrical engineering and my mother is a housewife. As for my elder sister and my younger brother, they are still students. One is in university and the other is in senior high.

When I was a child , my father always said to me“ no matter what the result is , always do your best !!”Hence, regardless of anything , I always put forth all my devotion , so I won’t have any regrets in chasing my goals、my interests and my passions .

Nowadays, in Taiwan’s society, we can easily find many foreigners and foreign materials. As information and transportation are changing, this situation is very normal. But how can we reduce our over adorable or over hateful attitude toward different cultures?How can we make this world a peaceful and prosperous place to live ?

I have a favorable impression about the Japanese language from buying my first Japanese album in my first year of senior high. I enjoy it very much. I’ve tried every way to learn the meaning of these songs. From then on, I’ve more become interested in Japanese. I made up my mind to learn more Japanese. Therefore, I choose Japanese as my first-step challenge.

This plan-learning Japanese first is my goal- mixing this world together to be a harmonious place is not easy for me. But I will try my best to achieve these plans and goals in my life, like an old motto says -“Where there is a will, there is a way”

7 則留言:

Lynn 提到...

With your optimistic attitude, your dream will come true.

Ten 提到...

I hope that all your dreams will come true! I can't wait to read more! Good job!

Cindy(neiko) 提到...

Hi~your blog's title reminds me of w-inds.'s 3rd album...Σ(゚д゚;)
But I guess I think too much. XD
You can't be their fan, too. Right?
BTW, Japanese is the best!!!(o^-')b

熊熊 提到...

Hi! I want to see you again!
We can have lunch with our good friends, I know you are very busy, but sometimes you have to go out with us! Don't forget,ok?

Felix2007 提到...

I think you can definitely make your dreams com true, because you are a student that diligent in learning, so I can't find any reason that would make you fail. Wish you have a wonderful college life.

Rachel 提到...

Wow, you have a greater goal.Try your best, no matter how it would be, the process wil be wonderful memories, right?

sunny 提到...

I am very honor to be one of your friends and I hope we can always be friends.